What We're Reading: What My Bones Know

Stephanie Foo articulates her healing journey from childhood trauma in her thoughtful memoir, What My Bones Know. Throughout the book, Foo experiments with a variety of therapeutic treatment methods and concludes that healing is neither simple or linear. Foo writes about the deep shame festering from her abusive past, her persistent self loathing, and the behaviors she engages in to cope and "fix" her perceived brokenness.

Foo writes about her own trauma and the intergenerational trauma she and her family suffered. In her honest and poignant account, she shows how trauma was passed down in her own family and how trauma effects entire communities. She brings clarity to the far reaching and devastating effects of interpersonal violence and neglect compounded by the difficulties experienced by immigrants. Foo is relatable in the way she approaches healing and depicts not only the challenges associated with her CPTSD diagnosis, but also the connections, growth, and moments of acceptance and hopefulness along the way.

Please be mindful that this book might be triggering for some, especially individuals with CPTSD (complex post traumatic stress disorder) or those experiencing trauma related symptoms.

Authored by Anna Zapata, LPC

Michael Primeaux