Understanding the Journey of the Healing Process

Healing is a journey that is not always (or ever) linear. It is not uncommon to feel really good after a session only to feel really down a few days later. You’ve purged all of this old, heavy energy out of you and now there’s this…emptiness. It’s a vulnerable and uncomfortable place to be! Sometimes you can feel “lower” than when you started because now you feel empty, lost, and emotionally unstable.

 The most important piece of encouragement I can offer is to be GENTLE with yourself during this transitional period.

It’s ok to mourn that old energy that you’ve let go. It served some purpose in your life before, and it can feel like a massive loss now that the person/behavior you’ve released is no longer in your life. Give yourself time to grieve the release. 

It’s also ok to feel like you don’t know where you’re going. Embrace that feeling of emptiness or confusion. Even if you feel completely lost, is it ok to trust that you’re right where you’re supposed to be? The truth is there is no end game to our healing journey!

Like the ocean, we’re always ebbing and flowing, releasing old energies and receiving new experiences.

Can you accept, honor, and celebrate the step you’re in in this NOW moment? Every step to honor your healing is a step forward, even if it looks as if you’re going in circles!

Authored by: Chris Wheeler, LPC