Embracing Sensitivity

sensitive counseling

To be a highly sensitive person (HSP) means that you’re naturally intuitive, creative, deeply empathic, and aware of the subtleties of your surroundings. From an evolutionary perspective, this is the person that would be ideal to be around to find and guide others to resources and sense and prepare for threats of danger-- this is who I want hanging around me in the event of an apocalypse.

You live with the gift of connection within your environment, the meaningful relationships with those you care for, and your rich inner world. Unfortunately the word sensitive has a bad rep for being a crybaby, overreacting or being “too much,” and being abnormal or inherently wrong. In cultures where sensitivity is not seen as a worthy value, this misunderstanding and bias can lead to low-self esteem, shyness, suppressed feelings, and fear of expression. Take a moment and reflect- when you were a child, what were the messages around sensitivity like in your family or school? Were they positive or negative? Praised or problematic?

My clients work to explore and dismantle the belief that their sensitivity is something that is innately wrong with them. They pick up on the cues of others feeling discomfort around emotion and absorb the message that feelings are something to feel shameful about. This couldn’t be further from the truth- your high sensitivity is your greatest strength. You are able to develop meaning within your world and curate the life you want to lead.

As a highly sensitive person you are perceptive, attentive and responsive to the needs of others. The cues of subtle changes in your environment signal to check in with your child, friend, or partner- this means you are a caring support to others. You’re a compassionate leader and friend. You are able to listen to and guide others to meet mutual goals. You pick up on the strengths of others and utilize their talents to benefit the system. You aim to walk with your team, not run them down. You have deep and meaningful emotional experiences and are connected with the world around you. Sensitivity is not your weakness, it’s your strength.

If you’re interested in working with a highly sensitive knowledgeable therapist, contact Helen Pieracacos, LPC Intern supervised by Jessica Callahan, LPC-S.


Curious to see if you’re a highly sensitive person? Take Dr. Elaine Aron’s self test for this personality trait! You can read more of the research behind this trait here.

Authored by Helen Pieracacos, LPC Intern supervised by Jessica Callahan, LPC-S