Helping Helpers: the need for self-care in helping professions

helping helpers

Helping Helpers: the need for self-care in helping professions

Self-care and helpers. It is a curious and complicated relationship, one layered with societal and professional expectations. Long hours, prioritization of others, limited access to resources, and constant exposure to the experiences of others can inhibit any helper’s intention of taking time to recharge.

It is effortless to sit with another person and encourage them to practice self-care or provide tips on daily grace, but oftentimes we can come up short when it comes to our own needs. So what do we do? How do we fit moments for ourselves into our lives along with the ever-growing to-do lists and needs of others? How important is it? What happens when we ignore it?

Helpers are individuals who love helping (I mean, it’s in the name). We have natural empathy and sensitivity towards others, and we often choose professions that allow us to practice this value. What we do is amazing, selfless and effects the world on a truly personal level. So what stops us from turning that energy inward?

Take a moment and think about the last time you got up and stretched. Or drank water. Or called/texted a loved one. Now take a moment and do one of these things. Self-care is truly that easy. Yes, it can include journaling or bubble baths, but often it is just the act of meeting a basic need during a busy day.

Therapy is a natural and often overlooked part of self-care in the professional world of helpers. Here at Dallas Healing House, we are passionate about changing the conversation around the mental and emotional needs of helpers.

If you are interested in incorporating therapy into your self-care routine as a helper, contact us today!

Authored by Rachel Tweed, MS, LPC, LMT